
The Sky-Rocketing Rise in Dementia & How You Can Prevent It

The Sky-Rocketing Rise in Dementia & How You Can Prevent It

The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) systematic analysis was published in 2016 in The Lancet - Neurology. They found that the number of dementia sufferers worldwide grew by 117 percent in 26 years from the years 1990 to 2016 (1).

Why You Should Eat Honey (Especially with Autoimmune Disease)

Why You Should Eat Honey (Especially with Autoimmune Disease)

In our domesticated society you and I live in, honey might seem like it’s just a dense source of sugar that can aid in the fire of the current diabesity (diabetes and obesity) epidemic. However, honey is quite unique in the fact it has shown to be antidiabetic (3, 4, 5).

This Is Why You Don't Need Superfoods

This Is Why You Don't Need Superfoods

The answer to achieving true human health, reversing chronic disease, and burning fat for sustained weight loss is not superfoods, biohacks, supplements, or medications. These may help in acute instances, sure. But they should only be an option once your foundation is built properly.⁣

Your Health Problems Are Not Your Fault

Your Health Problems Are Not Your Fault

Any living animal in its ORIGINAL intended environment has good health. The problem with our species (especially the past few generations), is that we’ve been born into an environment that promotes disease.

These Are The Fundamental Ingredients That Create A Healthy Human

These Are The Fundamental Ingredients That Create A Healthy Human

Before we know what it means to be healthy, we first have to come to understand and accept the fact that as a living being on this planet, our biology expects us to be healthy. It’s not normal to live a life of disease.⁣ Any other species living in its original environment has health automatically without trying. But why does the human race have to TRY?⁣