Ulcerative Colitis

Ultimate Holistic Ulcerative Colitis Protocol with Best & Worst Foods, Supplements, and More!

Ultimate Holistic Ulcerative Colitis Protocol with Best & Worst Foods, Supplements, and More!

You might have genes for Ulcerative Colitis, but the reason you’re experiencing symptoms is directly caused by the choices you make in life.

7 Major Causes of Common Digestive Issues with Holistic Root Cause Solutions

7 Major Causes of Common Digestive Issues with Holistic Root Cause Solutions

Processed foods, gluten, vegetable oils, added sugar, and most all modern day foods have been shown to be highly associated and even causal of many common digestive issues.

This is why Gluten is a Major Trigger Food for Autoimmunity

This is why Gluten is a Major Trigger Food for Autoimmunity

Just because a product is listed as gluten-free does not automatically make it healthy. Often, when gluten is taken out of a product, it’s just replaced with other cheap ingredients that can (and will) harm your body in other ways.

Is Eating More Fiber Causing Your Gas And Bloating?

Is Eating More Fiber Causing Your Gas And Bloating?

Often it’s a black and white discussion - either you eat a plant-based diet with lot of fiber, or you eat some version of the Standard American Diet that lacks in fiber. But my questions is: Is there another way of eating that isn’t the Standard American Diet, that meets all of your nutritional needs, that doesn’t have a lot of fiber?