Is Eating More Fiber Causing Your Gas And Bloating?

Is Eating More Fiber Causing Your Gas And Bloating?

Often it’s a black and white discussion - either you eat a plant-based diet with lot of fiber, or you eat some version of the Standard American Diet that lacks in fiber. But my questions is: Is there another way of eating that isn’t the Standard American Diet, that meets all of your nutritional needs, that doesn’t have a lot of fiber?

This Science Shows Most Avocado Oils Are Fake Or Oxidized

This Science Shows Most Avocado Oils Are Fake Or Oxidized

According to a 2020 study published in the journal Food Control, authors said “Our results showed that the majority of commercial samples were oxidized before reaching the expiration date listed on the bottle. In addition, adulteration with soybean oil at levels near 100% was confirmed in two ‘extra virgin’ and one ‘refined’ sample.”

This Is Why You Don't Need Superfoods

This Is Why You Don't Need Superfoods

The answer to achieving true human health, reversing chronic disease, and burning fat for sustained weight loss is not superfoods, biohacks, supplements, or medications. These may help in acute instances, sure. But they should only be an option once your foundation is built properly.⁣

Stop Punishing Yourself With Exercise and Start Celebrating What You Can Do

Stop Punishing Yourself With Exercise and Start Celebrating What You Can Do

Movement gives us so many beneficial things in life - a better brain, a healthier immune system, better functioning mitochondria, better working hormones to keep us insulin sensitive, and so much LIFE. To forget all of this by punishing ourselves for the things we ate is a real tragedy...⁣

Your Health Problems Are Not Your Fault

Your Health Problems Are Not Your Fault

Any living animal in its ORIGINAL intended environment has good health. The problem with our species (especially the past few generations), is that we’ve been born into an environment that promotes disease.

These Are The Fundamental Ingredients That Create A Healthy Human

These Are The Fundamental Ingredients That Create A Healthy Human

Before we know what it means to be healthy, we first have to come to understand and accept the fact that as a living being on this planet, our biology expects us to be healthy. It’s not normal to live a life of disease.⁣ Any other species living in its original environment has health automatically without trying. But why does the human race have to TRY?⁣