skin health

Episode 011: The Rise in Skin Cancer & Hidden Dangers of Sunscreen (5 Healthy Ways to Get Sun Exposure - Part 3)

Episode 011: The Rise in Skin Cancer & Hidden Dangers of Sunscreen (5 Healthy Ways to Get Sun Exposure - Part 3)

And according to randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found that the chemicals commonly found in sunscreen are absorbed and detected in the bloodstream weeks after a single application. (7)

Episode 010: Incredible Health Benefits of Infrared Light From the Sun (Part 2)

Episode 010: Incredible Health Benefits of Infrared Light From the Sun (Part 2)

The sun is a great source of near-infrared light and can penetrate your skin to provide a range of health benefits. To get the most out of this natural source, it's important to spend time outside in direct sunlight for at least 15 minutes a day.

Episode 009: Surprising (Forgotten) Benefits of Sunlight!

Episode 009: Surprising (Forgotten) Benefits of Sunlight!

Infrared light, which is part of the sun's spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, can have potential benefits for human health including improved skin health, energy production, better detox, deeper sleep, and more!

Ultimate Holistic Acne Protocol | Best Foods, Supplements, Skincare and More!

Ultimate Holistic Acne Protocol | Best Foods, Supplements, Skincare and More!

The skin is the largest organ and the health of our skin is a direct reflection of what’s going on inside out GI tract. If we have consistent acne, even in our teenage years when it’s most accepted as a part of the “aging process”, it’s not normal and there’s a lot you can do to take control of it - today!

Can Collagen Heal the Gut and Improve Autoimmune Disease?

Can Collagen Heal the Gut and Improve Autoimmune Disease?

Collagen across the board is super high in the amino acids that muscle meats commonly are not - glycine and proline. Including more collagen in your diet can have profound impacts on your health and athletic performance.