Science Shows This Amount of Walking Per Day Improves Brain Function

Inside This Brief Trailer You Will Learn:

Walking is hands down the #1 form of movement humans were designed to do every single day.

Yet, it’s the most vastly underrated exercise in our world today. I, along with so many others, thought that I needed to crush myself in a demanding workout in order to get results.

But boy was I wrong.

You can gain SO MANY benefits just by going on a simple 15-20 minute walk in your neighborhood.

And the benefits walking has on the health of your brain might just be the most impressive of all.

According to a 2011 study, researchers found that, “walking five miles per week protects the brain structure over 10 years in people with Alzheimer's and MCI (mild cognitive impairment), especially in areas of the brain's key memory and learning centers.” (1)

Another 2010 study published in the prestigious journal Neurology concluded that, “Greater amounts of walking are associated with greater gray matter volume, which is in turn associated with a reduced risk of cognitive impairment.” (2)

And in a 2018 review of 98 randomized controlled trials evaluating over 11,000 older adults, researchers found that exercise clearly has immense benefits on brain health, especially in adults who already have mild cognitive impairment (3).

This should come as no surprise. Our genes expect us to walk. We have needed to walk out of necessity. Our ancestors walked when they first woke up to gather, hunt, build shelter, play, and live life (4). Check out this article on Lucy, the first known human ancestor.

They moved throughout the day and into the evening.

However, we have advanced our species so much, so fast that we have bred movement out of our species almost entirely. It’s become almost optional to move our bodies.

We have delegated the “heavy lifting” to machines…

We no longer need to walk up stairs, we have elevators and escalators. We even have fast moving conveyor belts at the airport. Which is why I always avoid those when possible so I can choose to get in extra steps.

We have cars that take us to work so we can sit at our desks.

Then we drive home, relax in the recliner and repeat it all over again.

We can order our food via DoorDash or Uber Eats. We no longer need to hunt or gather our food. Movement has become entirely optional.

And the worst part about it is that it’s having a direct toll on the health of our brain.

But you don’t need to become an athlete to receive these benefits. Research shows all you need is a little bit of walking per day throughout the week to achieve these brain boosting benefits.

1 hour of walking per day can have profound impacts on the health of your brain, and you don’t need to do it all at once, either. You can do three 20 minute walks throughout the day.

Start there and begin to work your way up to more.

Find ways to build more walking into your routine when possible.

Ways to walk more

  1. Park further away at a store

  2. Walk first thing in the morning with your dog

  3. Walk to work if possible

  4. Go to the grocery store and walk around instead of ordering

  5. Limit the amount of furniture in your home so you’re forced to stand, squat, or fidget (it’s more fun than you think!)

If you’re looking for practical ways to begin implementing all of this with a proven meal plan, dietitian formulated cookbook, CPT designed workout program, and more, then sign up more my Ultimate Autoimmune Reset™ where you can achieve your results, fast!

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